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Mars Saturn Opposition

Whether this is a natal chart line up, or this is a felt experience of the sky right now, Mars Saturn Opposition is a palpable energy.

Of course, I want to site my teacher. He has a great succinct video out there for your viewing. I will attach it below.

But I want to also share my personal experience. When Mars went into Virgo on Monday morning. I felt a very strange feeling. Like, I have felt this before and I know I need to be mindful and careful AND what is happening!!? So I looked at my astrology app and studied the chart for a few minutes. I noticed that Mars had moved into Virgo but not noticed the impending opposition.

The day continued, I felt as if I was walking on egg shells and I just wanted to get home. I left work early and went home. Many heart felt talks with my loved one with a natal Mars Saturn opposition and then a friend reached out to chat stars and asked if I had felt it. I realized that there was a lot going on all at once as reflected in my life and it was almost too much to handle.

Mars continues to apply/approach Saturn. This will become more palpable by the new moon on Monday AND the moon will be co-present Mars as it perfects on July 20-21. UFFDA!

So if I may impart some wisdoms. What I have learned so far from this transit: Love life now before it is gone. Notice where you are guarding and look for ways to navigate. Be super mindful in vehicles and with angry people. If you are an angry person, take this energy opportunity to face it, release it in healthy ways and steer the ship of your mind as best as possible.

Many blessings on our path forward through the mystery of being human 🙏

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